07/03/2023 – 7.30pm The Claremont & Zoom PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Sara O’Malley (Secretary), Sami Fatoohi (Treasurer), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Sam Walker (Committee Member), Emma Butterworth (Committee Member), Emma Doward (Committee Member), Candi Roberts (Headteacher), Shagun Bansal, Jenny Brown.
APOLOGIES: Nicki Webb (Committee Member), Michelle Bovey-Wood (Committee Member), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice-Chair).
Chair Update – CS
A great start to Term 4. Cinema Club was a sell-out, just 4 tickets left for Year 5-6 Disco. Lottery launched, £850 income already. 2 x grant applications submitted in the last week 1) community fund (South East water) - for up to £5k and 2) LocalGiving £500 little magic grants. Media Pack has been refreshed; can be issued to potential sponsors, and sent to parents. Batcheller Monkhouse confirmed sponsorship of £2,750 for Clarefest and Summer Fete. We are also now selling adverts for summer fete brochure. CS been working on New Parent pack. It is Sami’s last meeting, another big thank you for his commitment; Shagun Bansal has volunteered to be the new Treasurer. CS voted Shagun in + LP seconded. Welcome and thanks to Shagun. Michelle Bovey Wood has tendered her resignation due to potential conflict of interest, new role as editor as Times of Tunbridge Wells.
Thanks to John Coupee who is doing a website update.
Actions from last meeting - S O'M – see attached update.
Treasurer Update – SF
Events Income: £4,577.83 profit from winter term. £ 2,903.14 profit to date for Spring Term. Total other income to date £6,327.69 (inc. just giving, uniform sales, fancy dress etc). £39,602 in bank account.
Funding Proposals from School – CR
Traffic Safety Signals – safety on Claremont Road; CR identified potential opportunity to upgrade the Wig Wags (flashing signs), of which there are 2 already on Claremont Road. These are obsolete but other schools have upgrade with a remote timer to turn on/off during drop off and pick up. KCC do not have budget and last estimated this upgrade would cost ~£5k (post meeting update - estimate now £9-10k) with a 4 yearly maintenance cost of £400 (that could be covered by the school). Costs are approximate only; full details would need to be fleshed out. Committee agreed this could be a good “community” initiative, would be welcomed by parents and with wider benefits than just the school. Committee agreed that CS should re-submit application for the South East Water grant and CR will seek update from the Council. If don’t get the grant we could re-table this back to the Committee to decide if this is something to progress.
ACTION: Committee to rediscuss funding for road safety initiatives at next meeting, following outcome from SEW Community Grant.
CR expressed thanks for the continued support to struggling families that the PTA offer.
CR updated on the Wet Weather Canopies x 2 they are purchasing to protect the buildings due to flat roof at Hall and Year 1 area. The school has booked to get them installed over the Easter holidays and the request is what the PTA feel they can contribute towards it. PTA considered in context of remaining potential requests this academic year i.e. £15k for IT and trim trail ~£5k, so could be £35k required in total this year. With £40k in the bank, to maintain £20k buffer, it was identified the PTA would need to raise a further £15k in the rest of the year. This is unknown due to weather dependencies at Clarefest and the Fete. Therefore, agreed to commit 50% of funding £8k In April, and revert in July (after events in summer assuming we raise more than £8k we agreed to commit the rest). The committee voted unanimously in favour; (please refer to Appendix 1 for voting record).
ACTION: Committee discussed the regular annual commitment of £15k. It would be good to be able to communicate with the parent community the specific items / equipment this is spent on. CR confirmed the school can help produce this after Easter. PTA to commission from Julie Cook.
Events / Fundraising updates - summary of events for this term and any help required from PTA
Easter – LP – Easter Eggs have increased in cost compared to last year ~£70. Price per basket is £1.27 compared to £1.12. LP requested £600 maximum (from £500 last year); proposing request increased donation of £5. All agreed. 439 children in the school now. Have enough volunteers.
Clarefest – EB – not much to update, all going well. Funds request (£5-6k) will come within the next month, expecting similar costs to last year, by email. Ticket pricing to be confirmed but same as last year £2 per child, £8 per adult. Ask for volunteers on the day.
Summer Fete – CS – not much to update things progressing well, working on costs which will be populated by team and then submitted to Committee at appropriate time.
100 Club Idea– BD/LP – ‘New Direct Debit Scheme’ (not called 100 club). BD/LP busy at the moment so no update, focusing on a September launch so plenty of time. Defining “what” it is and then the comms plan which we have volunteers for.
Tea Towels – JQ is poorly so couldn’t attend but sales going well. Close next week and delivered after Easter.
Cinema Club - SW/NW – Due to quick sell out again PTA circulated a feedback survey via Class Reps. Results showed potential demand for a second showing for ~90 children and a suggestion to run 2 showings e.g. splitting year groups ( 1-3, and 4-6). Still need to consider cost benefit of a 2nd showing; film cost is % of ticket taking. SW is considering feasibility of a second date. PTA also agreed volunteers will get a guaranteed ticket for their children (they still have to pay for it). SW highlighted how having a teacher present is essential. CR offered to support PTA with finding teacher rep for future showings.
ACTION: SW to investigate feasibility of a 2nd showing for cinema club in June and confirm dates to CR to secure teacher volunteers.
Disco – NW – Year 5-6 all booked, 4 tickets left. All in hand no issues to raise.
MyNameTags – SO’M – Has set up a code that can be used when ordering and for every order placed by Claremont families MyNameTags give 24%. This get paid to PTA in a lump sum annually in January.
ACTION: CS / NJ to add MyNameTags detail to website. CS to add to new parent pack and on school website page. Add to newsletter and class reps whats app.
Cinema Club feedback – CS/SW – see above.
Date of Next Meeting - S O'M – Tuesday 18th April at 8pm Zoom
See PTA files for table (unable to load to blog)
SIGN: ________________________C Summers_____________________
DATE: 17 April 2023_____________________________________