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AGM Minutes 6th October 2023

Lisa Gammon

If you'd like any further information or have any questions on any of this please don't hesitate to get in touch.


6th October 2023 – Claremont School Hall

Committee PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice-Chair), Sara O’Malley (Secretary), Shagun Bansal (Treasurer), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Sam Walker (Committee Member), Jenny Brown (Committee Member), Candi Roberts (Headteacher), Sarah Seddon (Deputy Headteacher).

Non-member attendees: Various – 26 people in total (inc. Committee Members)

Committee APOLOGIES: Emma Butterworth, Nicki Webb, Emma Doward

1.     Welcome and Introductions (CS)

PTA Exec Members introduced themselves and welcomed all to the evening - expressing thanks for the larger-than-usual turnout.

2.     Chair’s Annual Report (CS)

CS presented the Annual Report for 2022-23 and secured agreement for it to be submitted to the Charity Commission. It sets out the PTA’s purpose, achievements and reflections. Please refer to AGM deck (Appendix 2, slide 3 for further information).

CS summarised an exciting year, which brought the Claremont community together for in-person events again. Clarefest achieved another record profit thanks to a dedicated and brilliant team. The weather was kind for both Clarefest and the Summer Fete. Both events ran more smoothly than 2022 thanks to lessons learnt.

The PTA organised memorable activities for the children including Cinema Club and Discos, an Easter Egg Hunt and the Claremont Xmas Cracker. All raising a good amount of profit and more importantly fun!

CS conveyed massive thanks to those involved in all aspects, Committee members and the whole community who supported, not only to raise a fantastic amount but create special memories for our children. CS highlighted some challenges facing the PTA: more volunteers generally welcomed and succession planning required for Chair and Vice-Chair who will be stepping down. 

3.     Treasurers Report (SB)

SB walked through the Treasurers Report for 2022-23 (please refer slides 4&5 of Appendix 2). In summary:

£52k turnover, £20k expenditure, £31k profit. Balance Sheet: Bank Accounts: £37,500.

Permission was secured to present the accounts to an independent auditor for review / validation. [Post-meeting note: the Exec Committee appointed Andrew Grey to this role].


4.     PTA Members 2022-23 Resignations & New Appointments (CS)

CS walked through the current Committee and responsibilities (please refer to slide 6 of Appendix 2). We conducted the annual voting-in of existing / new Committee members; please refer to Appendix 1.

CS advised that herself and NJ would continue in roles as Chair and Vice Chair for another year so are seeking replacement volunteers who will be able to shadow and take over from 2024-25. CS advised that S O’M was stepping down as Secretary and sought volunteers for replacement: Niloufer Jamal volunteered, was nominated and voted in. CS expressed thanks to both, especially S’OM for her long-serving role on the Committee and to agreeing to continue to support the Committee. Existing Committee Members have all agreed to stay on so were re-voted in, even those not present at the meeting.

The following Committee ‘vacancies’ were discussed:

a)     School Staff (teacher/TA) representation: whilst its not a mandatory requirement and the PTA has welcomed the increased support from teachers at various events this year; the Committee all agreed there is significant benefit in having a school representative on the PTA and would welcome a volunteer to come forward.

b)     Corporate Sponsorship: highlighted as an area where there is great fundraising potential - a volunteer is required to facilitate those relationships with businesses.

c)     Summer Fete coordinating team:  (e.g. could replicate Clarefest model of a group of friends).

d)     Playground Sales: lots of opportunities for fun fundraising e.g. fancy dress, xmas, donuts, ice lollies.

5.     Looking Ahead to this year – Events Schedule 2023-24

The Committee reviewed the proposed Events Schedule (slide 7) & Fundraising Projections (slide 8) (deck attached at Appendix 2).

Most events have a lead volunteer to organise but we still need volunteers for Summer Fete co-ordinator/team, Playground Sales, Parent Socials and others - new event ideas are welcomed too.

The existing Clarefest Team will run the event for this academic year but it will be their last; ideally a new team / volunteers will come on-board to shadow the existing team and take over for 2024-25.

The Committee reviewed the possible items that we could expect the school to request; please refer Slide 9 of Appendix 3, and the forecast PTA Expenditure to enable the PTA to continue to put on events and other fundraising activities.

We then reviewed Slide 11 of Appendix 3 which identified the potential forecast expenditure against potential income (based on events we hope we can put on). There could be a shortfall if we do not raise enough money so the Committee requested support and volunteers from the community to help “plug the gap”.


6.     AOB

a)     Chip In – CS invited BD/LP to introduce a new initiative being proposed to generate an ongoing income stream for the PTA’s rolling £15k year commitment for IT equipment. Currently this project is funded by event fundraising which rely on volunteers and good weather. This project aims to establish a steady income stream to address that risk. The proposal generated enthusiastic discussion; overall very positive response received. Suggestions raised included:

a.     targeting a transformative project for fundraising, with parents who can contributing a larger amount to support it.

b.     use of second hand technology and procurement processes to make fundraising go further. It was noted that this is handled by the school and the IT supplier.

c.      highlighting specific areas / items needed for help from parent community to make clearer where help is needed.

d.     make the ask as specific as possible  – identify what are the actual gaps / impact of the gaps in financial terms.

e.     handing out fliers around the wider community.


CR and CS thanked contributors for the enthusiastic discussion. CS highlighted that the role of the PTA is support the school in funding the areas they identify as requiring funding. CR highlighted the challenges being faced as a Local Authority School which requires even some basic provisions to be funded by the PTA.

ACTION: CR to review and consider within the school at the SLT, about what investments are needed and revert to PTA.

ACTION: Discuss at first Committee Meeting.

Next Meeting Date – Tuesday 7th November 8pm The Claremont Pub plus Zoom dial in option.




PTA MEMBERS VOTING- See PTA files (unable to load to blog)


AGM Slide Deck- See PTA files (unable to load to blog)



SIGN:    ________________C Summers_____________________       

 DATE:  15 - 01 - 2024




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