What and when is it?
The Claremont Easter Egg hunt is a much loved and fun activity for all of the children at Claremont School. It happens at school, within the school day and this year will be taking place on Thursday 28th March.
How does it work?
In the days running up to the hunt, the children will make their own Easter Egg basket (at school) which they personalise, decorate and most importantly, put their name on!
On the morning of the hunt, the baskets will be collected from each class and given to a team of PTA volunteers who fill the baskets with chocolate goodies.
In the afternoon, the PTA volunteers will hide the baskets, two classes at a time, in one of the two school fields. The classes will be bought out to the school fields where the children are then able to hunt for their own basket! Classes will be paired (e.g. Yr 6 with Yr R) so that the older children can help the younger ones.
Lastly, to make the event even more special, the Easter Bunny will be visiting to say hello and spread Easter joy to all!
How can I help?
The event is run and funded by the PTA. It is for all children to enjoy.
If you would like to support the PTA, you can do so by "CHIPping-INg"; directly supporting the provision of I.T. facilities for your child in school. If you wish to, you can:
1. Donate monthly here , or;
2. Make a one-off donation here.
Why is the PTA buying all the chocolate?
The PTA is buying over 4,000 chocolate treats up front! We used to ask parents to donate them but this enables the PTA to monitor food allergens more easily within the chocolate and to ensure all children have the same content in their baskets. The exception to this is children with allergies (please see below).
What if my child has a food allergy?
The chocolate purchased contains milk, soya and egg. Whilst the chocolate purchased won’t specifically contain nuts, the items may also contain traces of peanuts, nuts and wheat.
If your child has an allergy to any of these please can you donate specific sweets for your child in a bag CLEARLY LABELLED with the child’s full name and class name. Please hand this either to the class teacher or school office by Wednesday 27th March. We have included some photos in this blog of what the chocolate basket contents will be if you want to know what to aim for.
As an additional precaution, all children will be instructed not to eat the chocolate treats until after school, and only once they have parental permission.
Will all children be able to participate?
Yes, if your child is in school on the day, they can participate. It is an inclusive and seasonal fun event for ALL Claremont School children and all donations are optional (but much appreciated if you’re able to!).
Thank you for your support
