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How to donate

The PTA solely relies on donations. Did you know there are six ways you can raise funds,
and some of them involve no extra cost to you? Please see below for more information and thank you for however you choose to support us.

Sign-up and CHIP-IN what you can

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Claremont PTA is excited to launch CHIP-IN, our direct debit fundraising initiative to raise money to fund the school’s rolling IT programme. The PTA have made this contribution every year for the last 7 years. Your contributions add an extra 50% onto the existing school IT budget.

If 3 in 4 families regularly contribute we will hit our target each year.

Standing Order

If you want to donate regularly, it's super easy to set up a standing order.


Just email us to ask for our bank details and a Gift Aid form.




To make one-off or a regular donation, you can do so via Local Giving.


You can also enable gift-aid, if you are eligible, as this is a great way to boost your donation at no extra cost. 


To donate by text, simply text 'Claremont' and an amount  between
1 - 20 to 70085.
e.g. to donate £20 text

'Claremont 20' to 70085

Payroll Giving / Employer Matching:

 Check whether your employer offers a Payroll Giving scheme (where you can make donations directly from your pre-tax salary) and/or a Matching Scheme. 

Employers will often match both the donations you make yourself AND/OR funds you raise while volunteering for us so this can cost you nothing!


Shop at your favourite online

retailers (e.g. John Lewis, Argos & many more) through the easyfundraising website or app, and they’ll  make a donation to us at no extra cost to you. 

Download full instructions how to set it up here.

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Buy your name labels through My Name Tags and they’ll donate 24% of your purchase to us, costing you nothing! 

Just click here to automatically have our affiliate link added to your order page or type in 32678 in the "School ID" box at checkout.


This lottery has been set up to help the PTA raise money and to have a bit of fun! Funds raised will support and enrich the education of our children as 40% of every ticket comes back to the PTA. 

Each week, your ticket could win you a £25,000 jacket prize or a smaller prize worth 30% of the tickets we sell that week (e.g. if we sell 100 tickets, the prize would be £30).


©2025 Copyright of Claremont County Primary School Parent Teacher Association. Registered Charity 1036492
Registered address - Banner Farm Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. TN2 5EB  

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