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Complaints Policy


This Policy sets out the principles for the Complaints Procedure within Claremont County Primary School PTA.  It is relevant to all within the association and is endorsed by the Committee of Claremont County Primary School PTA.  


As Committee Members and Trustees of Claremont County Primary School PTA we understand it is our duty to make decisions that are in the best interests of the PTA. We know that where any of us hold a personal or other interest, this will stop us from achieving this duty and acting in the best interest of our PTA, and therefore any personal or other interest which may affect the ability to comply with this Policy (if required) should be declared. 


This Policy applies to every Committee Member of the PTA, and those that may need to use it. We make all new committee members aware of this policy. 


The PTA defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction in the PTA’s as a whole or in a Committee Members’ actions or the standard of service provided.  

Our PTA takes the following steps to identify and deal with any complaint made against the PTA:  

  • Complaints should be made in writing to the Committee and sent, in the first instance, to the Chairperson via email to If the complaint is regarding the Chairperson, then the complaint may be passed to another Executive Committee Member1. If the complaint relates to all members of the Executive Committee, the complaint should be sent to the Schools’ Headteacher2 via the schools’ normal method of communication. 

  • The person receiving the complaint will confirm receipt within 5 working days during term time, and will use all reasonable endeavours to review and respond to it within 10 working days of receipt of the written complaint, during term time.  

  • The response to the complainant, will detail the decision made or whether there will be any further discussions or meetings regarding the complaint, and who will attend such meeting. 

  • If a meeting is arranged, the complainant may bring additional representative/s with them. The complainant is also required to supply any documentation or evidence that they wish the committee to view at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.  

  • At the meeting the complainant should detail their grounds for making a complaint. The PTA and its representatives may ask questions of the complainant. Minutes of the meeting will be taken, shared and agreed by attendees of the meeting. 

  • Any subsequent decision made by the PTA following the meeting will be confirmed in writing within 5 working days of the meeting, with details of any action to be taken.  

Where Complaints are received outside of school term time, the PTA will operate on a best endeavors approach, dependent upon Committee availability.  

This Policy will be reviewed every five years or when used in earnest, whichever is the soonest, by the PTA Committee prior to the AGM. 

Your rights


If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at


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Registered address - Banner Farm Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. TN2 5EB  

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