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16/01/2024 – 7pm Claremont Primary School

PRESENT: :  Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice chair), Shagun Bansal (Treasurer), Niloufer Jamal (Secretary), Candi Roberts (Headteacher), Sara O’Malley (Committee Member), Emma Butterworth (Committee Member), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Nicki Taylor (Committee Member), Emma Claridge (Committee Member), Cat Christodoulou, Jennie Fong, Lisa Gammon, Vanessa Sharpe, Ami Parker

1.     APOLOGIES: Jenny Brown (Committee Member), Samantha Walker (Committee Member), Emma Claridge (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member

2.     Chair Update

-    CS welcomed all attendees and invited introductions from all.

-    CS summarised some highlights from Term 2. Chip-In was launched - 43 direct debits were set up and 16 one-off donations made. Huge thank you to all families who have signed up. Playground sales increased and have been running smoothly. CS gave thanks to Jennie and everyone who has been involved with it. The now annual wreath-making workshop ran successfully again and received much positive feedback. Thanks to Ami & all involved. Cinema club & the various Christmas events also ran smoothly and were a success, enjoyed by the children. Thanks to Loran, Theo and team for another amazing Secret Room, to Lucy Lamb & co for the Xmas lunch, and the friends of the PTA who helped decorate the school, chaperoned cinema club and all who helped in many ways.

-    CS provided some administrative updates:

-    A new dropbox folder has been set up with access granted to all committee members to use and file. CS reminded all to actively use this as important for record keeping and handovers.

-    The Auditor has approved the 2021-2022 accounts which will now be submitted. Thank you to Andrew Gray for volunteering for this job.

-    Sara O’Malley (outgoing secretary) is reviewing the constitution with view of updating it inline with Parentkind model constitution.

-    Work is ongoing to procure 3 new signage boards to promote the PTA at each gate- thanks to Mrs Brookbank in the school office and Natalie J for efforts on this.

-    CS nominated Lisa G to join the committee - seconded by Natalie J.

-    LG sought clarification on whether the person nominating an expense was able to vote. S’OM confirmed current constitution doesn’t specifically prevent this. Model constitution specifies 50% of members rather than current quorum of 7.


Action - Natalie J to liaise with BD to verify Chip-In numbers on his return to Committee business.

Action: SO’M to consider voting requirement as part of constitution review.

3.    Treasurer Update

-    A new financial summary report was shared with the committee

Highlights from the summary include:

-    Healthy balance of cash in bank at £34,255.66

-    Profit from events was £4,788.81. This includes new events success such as playground sales and growth in wreath making.

-    Successful donations of £2,736.69. With the launch of Chip-in in November, we are expecting earnings to grow as it hasn’t been as successful as we hoped it would have been.

-    Many annual overheads were paid in Autumn term so won’t be required again. Future reports will also include liabilities (e.g. expenditure agreed but not yet paid for).


Feedback was requested on the format. CS requested a forecast year-end balance is include, to support funding decision making

4.     Funding

-    CR thanked the PTA for support to date this year - smart new PE tops, fully funded Panto trip, £50 per class for DT budgets, and recent matched funding of £8,000 for the pathway repair and improvements. The canopies funded last year have proven to be very useful. 

-    CR re-shared the school’s fundraising poster for the PTA setting out areas for future funding - improving the trim trail and developing Maslow’s corners (currently not weather proofed) as two key areas plus the ongoing expected PTA contributions are towards the Y6 yearbooks, classroom contributions (increased to £150 per class teacher), IT (£15,000 to support maintenance of the school’s 32 computers, iPad trollies and all staff computers).

-  NJ expressed support for the canopies over Maslows corners which would support  PTA activities in the playground. Committee reflected that fundraising for the Trim Trail would likely be positively received by parents and CS suggested funding could be sought through a dedicated LocalGiving page.

-    NJ highlighted that if the PTA is marketing to raise money for a particular thing, the amount raised needs to be spent exclusively on that. For example, Chip-In donations must be put exclusively towards the IT. Committee noted that marketing messages need to be clear e.g. to clarify what will happen if donations go beyond the amount requested and provide parent body with updates about money raised and if met or exceeded.

-    The Committee had a discussion around the role of the PTA in supporting the school particularly in current challenging financial climate, including the rationale for the PTA in match funding the upcoming pathway repairs and improvements.


Action - CS to draft and secure Committee agreement to a blog on the reality of funding, before publishing and Niloufer J to promote on social media

5.     PTA Policies

At a previous meeting the PTA agreed to introduce a new complaints procedure policy, a safeguarding policy and a financial control & expense policy. These were previously circulated to the Committee in draft for comment and CS requested last comments from the Committee before they are finalised. 


Action: Niloufer to update policies with final comments and file final versions

Action: Natalie J/CS to upload the final policies to the PTA website

6.    Feedback / debrief on terms 1 & 2:


-    Sign ups have been successful but not wide spread throughout the parent body.

-    New ideas how to spread the message included:

-    include leaflet in the new parents pack.

-    investing in a couple of roll away sign boards that can go up at all events (including a link to the QR code on the website)

-    PTA speaks to parents face to face.


Action: CR to consider opportunities for the PTA to speak to parents about Chip-In face to face.

Action: Lucy to plan next round of future marketing messaging on Chip In.


Summer Fete volunteers:

-    CS highlighted noone had come forward yet. EB provided feedback that the message indicated that volunteers would be completely in charge and the Committee’s ongoing role wasn’t clear enough. Need to clarify in the comms that there is a plan in place for volunteers to pick up.

-    The pros/cons of a Summer fete (close to Clarefest) vs Christmas fair (weather, space issues, combining playground sales, table for secret room, wreath making kits for sale etc) were discussed.

-    Decision taken to let parents know the Summer Fete currently cannot go ahead - but opportunity remains should parents come forward. 

-    AP/others to consider logistics for Christmas Fair and report back at future Committee meeting.


Secret Room:

Secret Room was again much loved and successful but not enough gifts were donated. Committee brainstormed ideas how to resolve for next year. [post meeting note - CS discussed with Secret room team and agreed this year they should request expenditure early on, to buy gifts in anticipation of a shortage of donations].



-    Emma B suggested a Keybox for tank room keys & uniform room keys

-    Sara OM, Emma B and Lucy P to undertake a Tank Room clear out pre Clarefest

-    CS highlighted freezer needs defrosting, potentially not working as it should?


Action - CR to consider feasibility of keybox installation and feedback to Chair

Action - CS to check freezer and report if under warranty


First Aiders:

CS questioned if we needed to train event organisers for first aiders. Decision - no action needed.

7.  Planned Events:

Playground sales: Jennie Fong reflected on Christmas term sales & sought Committee feedback. Donuts are always popular with £1.50 seeming to be a reasonable price point able to sell 200-300 items. NJ suggested Parentkind as a resource for ideas. JF highlighted more volunteers will help reduce queues and support successful sales - suggested utilising Y6 children. JF suggested using charity rate on donuts to resell to local companies. It was decided that a smaller number of high quality/profitable playground sales should be the focus for Spring term (e.g. World book day & second hand book sale).


Easter: LP highlighted costs have increased. The cost of eggs last year was £540 and this year, £650 needs to approved.Vote for Easter expenses was approved by Claire Niloufer, Shagun, Lucy, Emma B, Sara, Natalie

-    Ideas raised for an adult paint & Prosecco night or quiz night.

-    Cat K suggested an Easter craft club for both KS1 and 2 & an exhibition of work. JF offered support and Sara OM volunteered to be the committee point of contact.

Action - CK, JF, S’OM to scope out craft club idea.



-    EB updated that planning is well underway.

-    Bouncy castle company are offering discount if paid before end of January so a vote may be needed.

-    Messaging for 2024 needs to be clearer that attendees cannot bring alcohol in due to license conditions..

-    Commitee supported the principle of hiring professional Security for 2024.

8. Feedback Survey: 

CS outlined that a feedback form for parents had been on the PTA to do list for a while and some draft questions had been circulated with comments sought. Google suite was suggested to use as the survey tool by Vanessa.


Action: CS to finalise feedback survey and circulate to parents.

9.     AOB:      The next meeting date will be 19/03/2024


SIGN:   C Summers

DATE:  30th January 2024



If you'd like any further information or have any questions on any of this please don't hesitate to get in touch.


6th October 2023 – Claremont School Hall

Committee PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice-Chair), Sara O’Malley (Secretary), Shagun Bansal (Treasurer), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Sam Walker (Committee Member), Jenny Brown (Committee Member), Candi Roberts (Headteacher), Sarah Seddon (Deputy Headteacher).

Non-member attendees: Various – 26 people in total (inc. Committee Members)

Committee APOLOGIES: Emma Butterworth, Nicki Webb, Emma Doward

1.     Welcome and Introductions (CS)

PTA Exec Members introduced themselves and welcomed all to the evening - expressing thanks for the larger-than-usual turnout.

2.     Chair’s Annual Report (CS)

CS presented the Annual Report for 2022-23 and secured agreement for it to be submitted to the Charity Commission. It sets out the PTA’s purpose, achievements and reflections. Please refer to AGM deck (Appendix 2, slide 3 for further information).

CS summarised an exciting year, which brought the Claremont community together for in-person events again. Clarefest achieved another record profit thanks to a dedicated and brilliant team. The weather was kind for both Clarefest and the Summer Fete. Both events ran more smoothly than 2022 thanks to lessons learnt.

The PTA organised memorable activities for the children including Cinema Club and Discos, an Easter Egg Hunt and the Claremont Xmas Cracker. All raising a good amount of profit and more importantly fun!

CS conveyed massive thanks to those involved in all aspects, Committee members and the whole community who supported, not only to raise a fantastic amount but create special memories for our children. CS highlighted some challenges facing the PTA: more volunteers generally welcomed and succession planning required for Chair and Vice-Chair who will be stepping down. 

3.     Treasurers Report (SB)

SB walked through the Treasurers Report for 2022-23 (please refer slides 4&5 of Appendix 2). In summary:

£52k turnover, £20k expenditure, £31k profit. Balance Sheet: Bank Accounts: £37,500.

Permission was secured to present the accounts to an independent auditor for review / validation. [Post-meeting note: the Exec Committee appointed Andrew Grey to this role].


4.     PTA Members 2022-23 Resignations & New Appointments (CS)

CS walked through the current Committee and responsibilities (please refer to slide 6 of Appendix 2). We conducted the annual voting-in of existing / new Committee members; please refer to Appendix 1.

CS advised that herself and NJ would continue in roles as Chair and Vice Chair for another year so are seeking replacement volunteers who will be able to shadow and take over from 2024-25. CS advised that S O’M was stepping down as Secretary and sought volunteers for replacement: Niloufer Jamal volunteered, was nominated and voted in. CS expressed thanks to both, especially S’OM for her long-serving role on the Committee and to agreeing to continue to support the Committee. Existing Committee Members have all agreed to stay on so were re-voted in, even those not present at the meeting.

The following Committee ‘vacancies’ were discussed:

a)     School Staff (teacher/TA) representation: whilst its not a mandatory requirement and the PTA has welcomed the increased support from teachers at various events this year; the Committee all agreed there is significant benefit in having a school representative on the PTA and would welcome a volunteer to come forward.

b)     Corporate Sponsorship: highlighted as an area where there is great fundraising potential - a volunteer is required to facilitate those relationships with businesses.

c)     Summer Fete coordinating team:  (e.g. could replicate Clarefest model of a group of friends).

d)     Playground Sales: lots of opportunities for fun fundraising e.g. fancy dress, xmas, donuts, ice lollies.

5.     Looking Ahead to this year – Events Schedule 2023-24

The Committee reviewed the proposed Events Schedule (slide 7) & Fundraising Projections (slide 8) (deck attached at Appendix 2).

Most events have a lead volunteer to organise but we still need volunteers for Summer Fete co-ordinator/team, Playground Sales, Parent Socials and others - new event ideas are welcomed too.

The existing Clarefest Team will run the event for this academic year but it will be their last; ideally a new team / volunteers will come on-board to shadow the existing team and take over for 2024-25.

The Committee reviewed the possible items that we could expect the school to request; please refer Slide 9 of Appendix 3, and the forecast PTA Expenditure to enable the PTA to continue to put on events and other fundraising activities.

We then reviewed Slide 11 of Appendix 3 which identified the potential forecast expenditure against potential income (based on events we hope we can put on). There could be a shortfall if we do not raise enough money so the Committee requested support and volunteers from the community to help “plug the gap”.


6.     AOB

a)     Chip In – CS invited BD/LP to introduce a new initiative being proposed to generate an ongoing income stream for the PTA’s rolling £15k year commitment for IT equipment. Currently this project is funded by event fundraising which rely on volunteers and good weather. This project aims to establish a steady income stream to address that risk. The proposal generated enthusiastic discussion; overall very positive response received. Suggestions raised included:

a.     targeting a transformative project for fundraising, with parents who can contributing a larger amount to support it.

b.     use of second hand technology and procurement processes to make fundraising go further. It was noted that this is handled by the school and the IT supplier.

c.      highlighting specific areas / items needed for help from parent community to make clearer where help is needed.

d.     make the ask as specific as possible  – identify what are the actual gaps / impact of the gaps in financial terms.

e.     handing out fliers around the wider community.


CR and CS thanked contributors for the enthusiastic discussion. CS highlighted that the role of the PTA is support the school in funding the areas they identify as requiring funding. CR highlighted the challenges being faced as a Local Authority School which requires even some basic provisions to be funded by the PTA.

ACTION: CR to review and consider within the school at the SLT, about what investments are needed and revert to PTA.

ACTION: Discuss at first Committee Meeting.

Next Meeting Date – Tuesday 7th November 8pm The Claremont Pub plus Zoom dial in option.




PTA MEMBERS VOTING- See PTA files (unable to load to blog)


AGM Slide Deck- See PTA files (unable to load to blog)



SIGN:    ________________C Summers_____________________       

 DATE:  15 - 01 - 2024


07/11/2023 – 8pm The Claremont

PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice chair), Shagun Bansal (Treasurer), Niloufer Jamal (Secretary), Sara O’Malley (Committee Member), Emma Butterworth (Committee Member), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Jenny Brown (Committee Member), Samantha Walker (Committee Member), Nicki Taylor (Committee Member), Emma Claridge (Committee Member), Ami Parker, Holly Weer, Mark Rae

1.     APOLOGIES: Candi Roberts (Headteacher)

2.     Chair Update – CS

While Term 1 is never a hugely financially lucrative one, this one has been a success in terms of parent engagement with much improved attendance and interest at the new format AGM & new parents drinks.

This term’s new initiatives have included:

·      Regular playground sales already generated approximately £500, thanks To Jenni Maslin-Fogg and friends for leading those.

·      A new look for the weekly email newsletter - with thanks to Holly Weer.

·      Two individuals taking on corporate sponsorship thanks to Mark Rae and Emma Franks.

·      And final preparations for Chip-In; Thanks to Jonathan, Lucy & Ben.

·      Children’s Christmas cards also took place against his year - at the time of the meeting total was lower than recent years and may need eviewing in future years [post meeting note: final total looks closer to £500].

·      We have paid the school so far: £500 for road signs with the South East Water grant, £2340 for the pantomime tickets, £500 for new sports tops & purchased £150 worth of Santa hats for Christmas lunch.

·      CS had a productive meeting with Mrs Roberts re funding. Mrs Roberts passed on her thanks to the PTA for all that we do and her apologies for not being able to make it tonight.

·      CS flagged our Localgiving renewal is coming up and is £180/year. No vote required as an expense but Exec Committee did review and consider a worthwhile expense as fundamental to new Chip-In scheme.

·      We still need volunteers for the open morning on Nov 22nd and to take down Christmas decorations (NB: spots for Xmas decs filled during meeting)·     

3.    Events / Fundraising updates & Lead person

Clarefest: Emma B proposed May 15 for Clarefest which was unanimously agreed on.

Summer Fete - Discussion on whether fete or Christmas market would be preferable. Decision to put the message out to parents that a team is needed by January 2024 in order to run a Summer Fete and potential dates of June 29 or July 13 have been proposed. Post meeting note: No Pub in the Park so July 6 may also now be an option.

The team would need to be involved in planning, co-ordinating the school side of things, external vendors (food, insurance certificates, licenses, bar), co-ordinating class stalls and volunteers, item donations, general volunteers, health & safety, the Arena. A team of 4-5 people organisers would be needed and will have complete committee support.

ACTION: Holly to draft up class rep and social media comms requesting Summer Fete support.

ACTION: Niloufer to support Holly with taking on social media and handover social media accounts to her.

Playground Sales: Jennie Maslin-Fong. Committee acknowledged she is doing a great job and sales have been running smoothly.

Discos: Nicki Webb. Dates almost agreed with school. One disco date to be changed to January 26, 2024 rather than Feb 2nd due to DJ  availability. A PTA member will be required for Y5/6 disco and Reception ones.

Cinema Club: Sam W. Expenses look to be the same as last year which were a total of £1100 (sales totalled £2400). A vote was conducted to approve spend of £1150 for this year resulting in unanimous agreement. SW has mentioned that as more cinema clubs are wanted, we need a strategy moving forward. There was discussion of 2 viewings on consecutive days, 2 separate sales of tickets and could we increase to one cinema club per term? There was unanimous agreement that it was worth trying above options and also potentially try running it on different days to Monday for children that are on clubs that day.

ACTION: Claire S to write up how we release cinema club tickets through the website.

Easter: Lucy P. All good to go ahead on the last day of term (Thursday, April 28).

Secret Room: Last year’s team will be running it on Tuesday, Dec 12. Jenny B to support and shadow next year for their last year.

Christmas Cards: Emma Doward - completed, all went fine but deadline was quite early which may have hindered participation.

ACTION: Emma Doward to investigate alternative suppliers for 2024 in case later deadline possible with no loss of profit.

Wreath Making: Ami - All tickets have been sold. 3 Volunteers needed.

ACTION: Niloufer to email First aider distribution list with details of PTA events requiring a first aiderand create spreadsheet to ensure we have one present at all events.


Wine Tasting: Kent wines are happy to partner again, however a venue is needed. Criteria is that it doesn’t sell alcohol already, is local and is big enough for 50 people.

ACTION: Mark to speak to his friend regarding potentially using The Forum. Natalie to look into The Hive & The Amelia.


Christmas Toy and Jumper Sale:

Nicki W: Sale running on Friday, Dec 1. No volunteers for the tent and concerns about the weather. Decision to still go ahead outdoors with a plan B/hall as backup.

NW asked if okay to go ahead with another in-person uniform sale. Everyone in agreement that it was.

Natalie J suggested we need to find somebody to put all info on the website re: playground sales, updating events etc.

ACTION: NJ/CS to find support for populating/updating website.

4.     Funding

CS met Mrs. Roberts recently to discuss the feedback and suggestions made up at the AGM and the school’s ideas for funding. Mrs Roberts identified some potential areas for PTA to fund this year and will confirm in fundraising poster by end Term 2.

Committee considered how funding to update the trim trail (wooden outdoor play area) would be a positive marketing tool to parents and funding more weather proofing in outdoor areas (Maslow’s corner, etc) would be valuable to the PTA to support playground sales.

Sara O’M mentioned contacting parents who raised idea about a project for funding at the AGM to update them on recent discussions.

ACTION: CS to follow up with individual concerned.

Committee discussed incentives used by other schools: e.g. at St Peters school, donors names are on bricks on pathway into school or whether there’s a way for discrete parts (e.g. one piece of play equipment) to be funded by one individual/s.

ACTION: CS to feedback to CR above discussion and ideas raised.

5.     PTA Policies

Exec Committee has reviewed the suite of policies available to PTA’s, using Parentkind guidance.

Sara O’M proposed the Committee should introduce a Complaints procedure and it will be emailed to the committee for feedback before adoption.

Committee considered other policies and agreed that the additional policies needed are Safeguarding andFinancial control & expense. The existing constitution is already being reviewed by S’OM and can reflect the key aspects of the other policies (e.g. equal opportunities). CS flagged approval from charity commission is needed before changing constitution.

Job Descriptions for the Exec Committee are being updated and will be shared once ready.   

ACTION: Sara - share draft new policies with the committee and exec committee JDs for adoption at the next meeting. Provide an update at the next meeting re: updated constitution.

6.     Chip In

Lucy & Ben presented plan for launching Chip-In and sought Committee approval to launch: unanimous support and appreciation for the hard work gone into preparing this.

Plan will be to print leaflets to send home with each child and hand out by PTA members at the school entrance gates on the launch day. BD will seek helpers via whatsapp. Class rep and social media messages to go out as well. Key selling point to be that this could replace need to ask for financial donations at Easter & Christmas.

There was a vote to approve the amount of £75 for printing expenses resulting in unanimous agreement.

7.    Financial Summary

·       We are thankfully very healthy in our bank balance (just over £37,000)

·       £107 made at the new parent raffle which is down from last year. 

·       Playground sales have taken off and we have healthy numbers on that.

·       School lottery is at £137

·       Wreath making tickets made £1530

·       There was a vote for wreath making expenses (£400) resulting in unanimous agreement.

·       The main expenses have been: playground sales, hats for Christmas lunch, donations to the school (as set out in Chair’s update), general PTA overheads (£350 - maojrity of this was the annual renewal of our Wix website).

·       Direct donations received have been £742 through the existing direct debit schemes.

8.     AOB:     

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 at the Claremont Pub & Garden at 8pm


SIGN:   C Summers

DATE:  16 November 2023





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