28 April 2022, 7.30pm, The Claremont
Seven members constitute a quorum. See Table 1 at the end of report for full attendance and
voting record.
APOLOGIES: Candi Roberts, Sarah Seddon, Ben Dryland, Lucy Prior, Nicki Webb
1. Tonbridge Dragon Boat Race 7.45pm (Year 2 Dads attending – Seb and Adam)
The team have entered the race (4 th September) and secured the boat. Team are hoping to get
sponsored for the entry but team wondering if it could be something focused on raising funds
for something specific the school needs. E.g. IT, does the school need more iPads? Consider
promoting at Clarefest & Summer Fete – introduce the team, have a stand on the day (part of
the PTA stall). They also get a small marquee at the event so could promote PTA fundraising
Action 1 – CS to liaise with Julie Cook to ask for specific funding needs (e.g. IT / Outdoor
Action 2 – allocate the Dragon Boat team some space at the fete / Clarefest and/or the PTA
Action 3 - CS to set up a local giving page (inc. QR code) for fundraising.
Action 4 - Dragon boat team to try and get a sponsor (£500 for boat, £200 for tshirts)
Action 5 - CS to call out in weekly email for parents that work for organisations that may be
willing to sponsor and consider corporate matching for those parents that might be on the team.
2. Update from the Chair - CS
a) Scavenger Hunt £1700 raised inc. Winkworth sponsorship. Massive thanks to Kate Bourne
for all her hard work in leading and organising!
b) Easter very successful, raised £1450 (£950 profit), big thanks to LP for organising and the
team that supported, the children loved it!
3. Actions from Last Meeting (S’OM)
a) Teacher Rep - CS to follow up with interested party and CC to chase / ask internally if any
volunteers. – 17/05 update – still no interest. CC also advised that she would be stepping
down at the end of this academic year so we will certainly need someone from school
community for next year.
Action 6 – Teacher Rep: CC to keep asking within the school.
b) Events Licence – agreed that we should discuss and review the need for this when this
comes up for renewal and decide what the ongoing requirements are.
Action 7 – Committee to review Events Licence when comes up for renewal.
Action 8 - Agreed to set up a lessons learnt / mop up session after Clarefest so learnings could
be taken into Summer Fete.
Action 9 – Cinema Club – SW to discuss with school re. potential dates and chairs (due to lack of
benches). CC to discuss with Dominic Coulson whether he can still support the tech. *Risk
Assessment and Booking Form will need to be completed).
Action 10 – Second Hand Uniform Sales – first in person sale raised £151! Big thanks to Nicki
Webb. NW to use PTA Committee Whats App group to call out for help at in person sales next
Action 11- Gardening / Allotment – BD to approach school as not for PTA to decide. (o/s action
from last month).
4) Financial Update – SF
£37,136.47 in bank account. £2,277.44 income (last calendar month). Outgoings £325
photobooth, and £462 Clarefest expenses imminent.
Action 12 - NJ and SF to meet separately to go through quarterly accounts and reconcile
everything to keep up to date (inc. Paypal).
Action 13 - SF to open a Revolute account for use of dollars if ever needed.
5) Urgent matters
a) Payment system / Tokens for events - SF
Sum Up is recommended Application. £29 for the machine, through any phone and multiple
phones £120 total approved by committee (please refer to Table 1 for voting record). Promote
use of cards (in comms prior to event) but have a cash float for bar and BBQ (just in case!).
Action 14 - SF to buy 3 machines and test it prior to Clarefest on different phones and networks
(on the school field!). SF to buy tokens. NW to use for Uniform sales.
Action 15 - EB to advise SF what float is needed for Clarefest as we may need to order money.
Tokens will be paper; can buy a roll and a holder. Token stall next to the entrance. Sell them on
the playground week prior, after publicising costs. £50 to procure paper tokens approved
(please refer to Table 1 for voting record).
Action 16 - EB to draft Clarefest blog with all the information (as above).
b) Annual Return – S O’M
Committee confirmed we don’t need independent verifier of accounts as less than £25k income.
Deadline is 22/6 to submit last years annual return.
Action 17 - SF to review and populate spreadsheet and CS and S O’M to submit into the website.
c) Events / Fundraising updates
a. Easter success – as above.
b. 2 nd hand uniform – dates all agreed for rest of year.
c. Clarefest – EB – all in progress. No major items to minute (other than covered
d. Summer Fete – CS – all in hand. CR raised issues about the bar at the Summer Fete.
CS and NJ to address with CR directly. Mark Lester has submitted events notification
to the council and awaiting response. Agreed ticket price Adult £2.50 on website, £3
on the day, exc. Tokens. Kids free.
e. Discos – CC - 2 x discos Year 5/6 (27 th May) and Year 3/4 (24 th June), consider doing
Year 1/2 (17 th June) £140 for DJ. 100 children max £6 per ticket. NJ to add to website
(Year 5/6 launch first) and need 7 volunteers from 2pm. Disco 3.30-5pm.
Action 18 - CS to check with Jodi how many events tickets should be put aside for those that
might need financial support to attend events.
d) AOB
a) Various proposals – CS
- Home pizza evenings : agreed this was not going to be progressed.
- Go Goosy – quick drying onesie. Offering £1 for every item sold – agreed this was
not going to be progressed.
- Boon – run e-bay type auction. Like a marketplace between parents. % will go to PTA
on each sale. Agreed good idea to progress.
- S O’M has now updated the Charity Commission website with all 4 trustees details
(Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary).
e) Next Meeting Date – Tuesday 14 th June (venue tbc)
COMMITTEE MEMBER Attendance Vote – Sum Up 4 x card
machines £120
Vote – paper tokens £50
1. Claire Summers (CS) Y Y Y
2. Natalie Jolliffe (NJ) Y Y Y
3. Sara O’Malley
4. Sami Fotoohi (SF) Y Y Y
5. Emma Butterworth
6. Claudine Cerrini
7. Sarah Seddon N n/a n/a
8. Lucy Prior (LP) N n/a n/a
9. Sam Walker (SW) Y Y Y
10. Ben Dryland (BD) N n/a n/a
11. Candi Roberts N n/a n/a
12. Nicki Webb N n/a n/a
TOTAL 7 7 7
SIGN: C Summers
DATE: 25 May 2022